Assoc. Prof. Mayfong Mayxay
Head of Field Research, Lao-Oxford-Mahosot Hospital-Wellcome Trust Resarch Unit (LOMWRU).
Associate Professor & Vice-President of the Lao University of Health Sciences (UHS), Ministry of Health, Lao PDR.

Dr. Mayfong Mayxay is the Head of the Field Research of Lao-Oxford-Mahosot Hospital-Wellcome Trust Resarch Unit (LOMWRU), Associate Professor, and Vice-President of the Lao University of Health Sciences (UHS), Ministry of Health, Lao PDR. He has also been a Visiting Professor in Tropical Medicine at University of Oxford since 2020. His particular research interests include antimalarial drug resistance, causes of fever, dengue, rickettsial infections, Japanese encephalitis virus infection, and infantile beriberi.
Dr. Mayfong founded and co-founded many important official entities in Lao PDR such as LOMWRU in 2000; Research Ethics Committee of UHS in 2001; Lao Medical Journal (LMJ) in 2010; Insititute of Rearch and Education Development (IRED) onf UHS in 2018; Lao Infectious Disease Society (LIDS) in 2019; Lao One Health University Network (LAOHUN) in 2019; and recently Unit for Health and Evidence Policy (UHEP) in 2020.