Details descriptions of the session:
It is only through broad stakeholder involvement and meaningful deliberation that priority-setting can “see the whole picture”, account for broader determinants and consider equity appropriately.
In recent years, there have been several resources produced showing where appraisal processes sit within health technology assessment (HTA) and health benefit package (HBP) design. There is also substantial guidance on technical assessment methods for HTA (e.g. evaluating burden of disease, cost-effectiveness, budget impact, equity etc.). These have focused on institutionalization and evidence presentation to ensure robust decision-making.
At the same time, there are increasing calls to ensure population and community perspectives feed into these appraisal processes. Guidance on how to undertake deliberative processes and social participation is emerging, both for HTA specifically and for health priority-setting contexts more generally with examples such as the report from 2022 titled: Designing and Implementing Deliberative Processes for Health Technology Assessment: A Good Practices Report of a Joint HTAi/ISPOR Task Force.
This session attempts to explore how social participation and deliberative processes can be leveraged for HTA and HBP design processes. By doing so, it is envisioned that there will be learnings for developing better priority-setting processes that are more inclusive and responsive to population needs.
Learning objectives and target audience:
- Shed light on the current frameworks and thinking for embedding meaningful social participation in appraisal processes.
- Understand how deliberative processes can be organized to ensure that health system improvements include people-centredness.
- Highlight this as an important area of the priority-setting process that is often neglected or an afterthought when developing HTA-type processes.
- Chair: Alexandre Lemgruber
- Andrew Mirelman – World Health Organization – “Developing deliberation and social participation when Institutionalizing HTA and HBP design processes” (10 mins)
- Kira Koch – World Health Organization – “ Engagement and Social Participation in Evidence-informed processes” (10 mins)
- Rob Baltussen – Radboud University Medical Center – “Social participation in deliberative processes for HTA and HBP design” (10 mins)
- Luciene Bonan – Country experience from Brazil – Director of CONITEC (10 mins)
- Shankar Prinja – Country experience from India – Professor at PGIMER – TBC (10 mins)
- Moderated Discussion (25 mins)